Sunday, May 6, 2012

Believe to yourself,Luis!U can do it!Cheer up=)

It is 12:56 am,5 May 2012.It has passed 2 years since the last blog...I feel that previous blogs were so childish but meaningful....Today is the day to celebrate the one of my best friends-Jinston's birthday.And more 2 weeks , i'm going to face my Mid-year examination...However,i am sill losing my mind to concentrate on my studying and is due to always playing the counter strike and facebook...i'm really very hate ME now because i'm wasting the time that some patients waiting for...I am really upset and mad...Anyway,i wanna to change myself start today!!!I believe i can do it!!!The goals that i wanna aim is
1)get straight 8A in my mid-year examination, trial PMR and PMR
2)get height to 180cm!!!
3)sleep before 10:30p.m. and wake up in 6:30a.m. everyday
4)stop doing 'it'
5)improve my poor english =(
6)write blog/diary everyday
7)Learn well about my piano
that's all the goals that i have think is getting late i think i should get to bed and do a good dream=)Good Night,my World^^I believe i can do it!!!!Cheer up ,Luis Koo!!!!!!!!